– If your PS4 system does not recognize the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct. – Follow the screens to complete the update. – Connect the USB storage device that the update file is saved on to your PS4 system, and then from the function screen, select Settings (Settings) >. – Save the file with the file name «PS4UPDATE.PUP». – Download the update file, and save it in the «UPDATE» folder you created in step 1.

– Inside that folder, create another folder named «UPDATE». – Using a computer, create a folder named «PS4». – On the USB storage device, create folders for saving the update file. – You might not be able to use some applications or content without first updating the system software. Interrupting the installation can cause your system to be damaged. – Do not turn off your system during the installation. – Do not install system software soon before or soon after a power outage. – This system software update improves system performance. A pesar de que otros sistemas operativos también pueden ser compatibles, no recomendamos aplicar esta versión en plataformas distintas de las especificadas. Si se ha instalado, la actualización (instalación por sobrescritura) puede solucionar problemas, agregar nuevas funciones o expandir las existentes.

This package contains the files needed for installing the 4.73 firmware for Sony PlayStation 4 systems.